Economics of Children’s
Health and Wellbeing
Children and young persons under the age of 18 make up almost a third of the world’s population and are an integral part of society and important health and social care users. Over the last few decades, the recognition that investing in their health welfare is an investment in our future has created a powerful impetus for research.
Reflecting the growing interest in the topic and the potential impact on health outcomes and policy, we introduce a SIG specific to the ‘Economics of Children’s Health and Wellbeing’. The E-CHW aligns with IHEA’s mission to help shape research and offer a new, valuable channel of international collaboration and research communication.
- Aims & Objectives
- Activities
- Past Webinars
Aims and Objectives
The overarching aim of this SIG is to bring together an international community of researchers with a view to building health economic capacity and advancing economic research that contributes to children’s health and wellbeing. We aim to do this by connecting researchers and interested parties, stimulating dialogue and enquiry, and facilitating international dissemination. In line with IHEA’s mission there will be a focus on connecting and showcasing LMIC research and engaging early career researchers and students.
In line with its objectives, the E-CHW Special Interest Group will facilitate communication, promote research and support dissemination through the following activities:
- Engagement through webinars/events. The SIG hosts a series of webinars on topics related to children’s health and wellbeing. Webinars have an emphasis on sharing experiences and practice across settings and countries, as well as on bridging research and policymaking. Webinars and subsequent discussions are available as recordings accessible across multiple time zones. There is a focus on a Low and Middle Income Country and Early Career Researcher/student annual events.
- Establish a bi-monthly electronic newsletter, edited by SIG convenors. The newsletter showcases research, summarises noteworthy events, developments and future initiatives.
- Support with organised sessions submitted for presentation as part of iHEA Congresses. The SIG, led by convenors for engagement with research, will set up organised session ‘clinics’ where members will be able to request feedback and advice on planned organised sessions. The SIG also provides a conference list of presentations focussing on E-CHW for members’ information.
Past Webinars
- Child Health and Human Capital – April 12, 2022
- Challenges in Valuing Child Health: Lessons from EQ-5D-Y Valuation Exercises – February 10, 2022

E-CHW SIG Convenors
Founders and Lead Conveners: Kim Dalziel and Lazaros Andronis (Australia and UK)
Conveners for Research (including across settings): Donna Rowen (UK), Stavros Petrou (UK)
Convener for International Collaborations: Carla Guerriero (Italy), Ha Le (Australia)
Convener for Communications and Networking: Christine Mpundu-Kaambwa (Australia), Cate Bailey (Australia)
Convener for LMIC focussed Research: Ama Fenny (Ghana)
Convener for Organised Congress Sessions: Lisa Gold (Australia), Lisa Prosser (US)
Convener for ECR/Student Support and Development: Giovanni Van Empel (Indonesia), Stefan Lipman (Netherlands)