Immunization Economics
Immunization is one of the most successful and cost-effective public health interventions in history, responsible for substantial improvements in population health and welfare. The Immunization Economics SIG provides a forum for widespread dissemination and exchange on relevant vaccine and immunization economic research (costs, equity, social and economic benefits, financing); new methods, approaches, and practices; and, a forum for capacity-building and mentoring of junior researchers. In this SIG, we also will leverage lessons learned from the economics and financing of PHC and other priority health issues.
- About
- Activities
- Webinars
- News
The Immunization Economics SIG provides a forum for an exchange of relevant research methods and practices, as well as disseminate results to a broader audience. In addition, the SIG will cultivate new researcher interest in the area of vaccine economics, and leverage lessons learned from other priority health issues.
Objectives of the Immunization Economics Special Interest Group
Immunization Economics SIG has three (3) central aims:
To attract and connect more international researchers in economics and related disciplines from low- and high-income countries to work on immunization research, and to utilize iHEA as one of the regular engagements for the broader immunization community to share and disseminate relevant research and methods, when it relates to economics.
To keep iHEA members up to date with the latest developments in research on immunization value, costing, financing, and efficiency, while providing a forum for iHEA congress participants interested in the application of methods and the topic of immunization economics.
To encourage collaboration among and between iHEA and the broader Immunization Economics Community of Practice members on projects that generate rigorous new evidence in immunization economics, and on projects to identify best practices in associated research methodologies and policy implementation. New connections between researchers engaged in immunization economics and with those of other disciplines will expand the use of methods and applicability to immunization and other subjects.
This Special Interest Group works closely with the Immunization Economics Community of Practice (COP), learn more about this COP here:
As part of the 2019 IHEA biennial world congress in Basel, Switzerland, the Immunization Economics Special Interest Group (SIG) organized a pre-congress session on July 13-14. The audience for this session is individuals interested in the generation and use of information surrounding immunization costing, financing, and value of vaccination. The audience spans from early career to seasoned researchers, EPI managers, policymakers, multinational organizations, and donors. The program includes:
featured updates on research findings, methodology, and cases;
concurrent sessions on economic analysis refresher course and implementation/advocacy workshop;
panel sessions on effective dissemination and future direction.
Webinars and research materials
- Integrating economic and epidemiological objectives in the optimal response to pandemics – November 17, 2021
- Costs of RTS,S malaria vaccination in the three malaria vaccine implementation countries – November 3, 2021
- Costing of COVID-19 vaccine introduction and deployment: Lessons from Ghana – October 6, 2021
- Measuring inequity in vaccination coverage & cost-of-illness: An introduction to the VERSE toolkit – October 6, 2021
- Disruptions to childhood immunization during the COVID-19 pandemic: Health impact modeling and economic perspectives – September 22, 2021
- Estimating the cost of delivering COVID-19 vaccine in COVAX 92 AMC countries – September 15, 2021
- Developing Strategies for Effective and Efficient Immunization Against COVID-19 – July 17, 2020
- Considerations for future SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: a private sector perspective – May 12, 2020

Latest News
Meet the SIG member: Dr Ijeoma Edoka
We recently sat down with Dr. Ijeoma Edoka, Health Economist at the Health Economics and Epidemiology Research Office at University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa, to learn about her career in immunization economics. What projects have you been working on? I work on a number of projects, mostly to do with costing and …
The following convenors help guide SIG activities:
Logan Brenzel
Laura Boonstoppel
Stephen Resch
Christian Suharlim