IHEA has three awards:
- The Adam Wagstaff Award for Outstanding Research on the Economics of Healthcare Financing and Delivery in Low- and Middle-Income Countries;
- The Arrow Award for the best published health economics paper; and
- The Student Paper Prize for the best paper by a Masters or Doctoral student.
- Adam Wagstaff Award
- Arrow Award
- Student Paper Prize
Adam Wagstaff
3 May 1959 – 10 May 2020
IHEA President 2016 – 2017
This award was established by colleagues and friends in memory of Adam Wagstaff and was funded through ‘Friends of Adam’ crowdfunding. The prize is awarded to the best IHEA congress paper on the economics of healthcare financing or delivery in a low- or middle-income country(ies) (LMIC) that is written and presented by a researcher from a LMIC. It reflects Adam’s lifelong commitment to these issues and to promoting equity in LMICs.
About the Adam Wagstaff Award
- Award Eligibility Criteria
- FAQs on Eligibility Criteria
- Submission & Selection Process
- Nature of the Award
- Most Recent Awardees
- Committee
- Funding & Governance
- This award is intended for early career researchers (ECRs)/recent graduates, not those currently studying. Students are encouraged to submit an entry for the annual IHEA Student Paper Prize.
- To be considered for the Adam Wagstaff Award, the ECR must have an abstract accepted for oral presentation at the IHEA congress. You must indicate your interest in being considered for this award during the abstract submission process.
- The paper must focus on the economics of healthcare financing or delivery in a LMIC (this can include a country defined by the World Bank as a middle-income country until not more than a year ago, that is now classified as a high-income country). The research should be policy-relevant in that it should provide insights into how to improve healthcare financing or delivery. Papers with an equity focus are encouraged.
- The first author of the paper (or corresponding author where authors are listed alphabetically) and presenter at the congress must be a citizen of a LMIC (using the World Bank country income classification). Co-authors on the paper are not restricted to LMIC citizens.
- The main author and presenter at the congress must have submitted their doctorate or have completed their doctorate within the last 7 full-time equivalent years.
- To be considered for the award, a full paper must be available three months before the congress and be submitted with a personal statement of 500 words outlining your future career plans at the time of application.
- Submitters should be willing to commit to contributing to health economics in LMICs if they win this award. This could take the form of mentoring researchers with very limited experience, co-supervising a (post-)graduate student, serving on the Award Committee in future, or related activity, depending on the skills and preferences of the Awardee.
Can I submit a paper that analyses global data, so includes low-, middle- and high-income countries? No, only papers that have a specific focus on LMICs will be considered.
Can a paper that considers theoretical or methodological issues be submitted? Usually not, unless there is a very specific focus on LMICs (e.g. development of an innovative methodology for health care financing or delivery research to address data constraints in LMICs).
Can an economic evaluation paper be submitted? Generally not. As the focus of the award is on the economics of health care financing or delivery, only economic evaluations that compare alternative service delivery options and/or include a budget impact analysis of services that address a major burden of disease in LMICs will be considered. Papers that focus purely on the effectiveness of health care interventions or an economic evaluation of a very specific clinical intervention are not eligible.
If I graduated 8 or 9 years ago, but had maternity leave and worked part-time for a year afterwards, will my paper be considered? Yes, as long as the full-time equivalent working period after graduation is no longer than 7 years at the time of application.
If I am a citizen of a LMIC, but am currently living and working in a high-income country, will my paper be considered? Yes, as long as the paper focuses on LMICs and your intention is to continue undertaking research focused on LMICs.
Those from a low- or middle-income country with an accepted abstract, on the economics of healthcare financing or delivery in a LMIC, for the next IHEA congress will be invited to submit a full paper for review by the selection committee three months prior to the congress. The selection criteria are comparable to those used for the Arrow Award and the Student Prize, which focus on the importance of the contribution of the paper and appropriateness and innovation in methodology.
The award includes a certificate and a cash prize, which will be presented during one of the plenary sessions of the congress. The session in which the award-winning paper is presented will be highlighted as a special session and the presentation will be followed by discussant input. In addition, the winner will be invited to present at the World Bank’s Health Finance Forum.

Giancarlo Buitrago

Radhika Jain
Members of the initial Award Committee were selected to include at least one close colleague of Adam's from long-term collaborative research projects; at least one of Adam's colleagues from the World Bank with expertise in this sub-field; and at least one researcher with expertise in the sub-field who is based in or affiliated with a LMIC institution. The Committee members, in alphabetical order, are:
John Ataguba, University of Cape Town
Damien de Walque, World Bank
Anne Mills, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Aparnaa Somanathan, World Bank
Eddy van Doorslaer, Erasmus University
Winnie Yip, Harvard University
Funds raised through ‘Friends of Adam’ crowdfunding are ring-fenced for this award, with auditing and IHEA Board oversight of revenue and expenditure as for all IHEA finances. In addition, there will be biennial reporting to the Award selection committee for additional oversight.
We would like to acknowledge the generous contributions of the following individuals and groups, as well as several anonymous contributors, towards this Award:
Ronald Akehurst, Sarah Alkenbrack, Elaine Baruwa, Marcel Bilger, Caryn Bredenkamp, Terkel Christiansen, Jorge Coarasa, Daniel Cotlear, Agnes Couffinhal, Damien de Walque, Tim Ensor, Patrick Eozenou, Tim Evans, Deon Filmer, Emanuela Galasso, John Giles, Karen Grépin, Mutsa Gumbi, Reem Hafez, Emmanuel Jimenez, Andrew Jones, Eeshani Kandpal, Beth & Mead King Over, Felicia Knaul, Joseph Kutzin, Soonman Kwon, Gabriel Leung, Elisa Liberatori Prati, Jui-fen Rachel Lu, Di McIntyre, David McKenzie, Owen O'Donnell, Ceyla Pazarbasioglu, Kjeld Pedersen, Eugenio Prati, Stella Quimbo, Marisol Rodriguez, Miriam Schneidman, Gil Shapira, Richard Smith, Peter Smith, Sally Stearns, Sandy Tubeuf, UPSE Health Econ Lab, Eddy Van Doorslaer, Tom Van Ourti, Marcos Vera-Hernandez, Michael Woolcock, Vasoontara, Yiengprugsawan, and Winnie Yip
Kenneth J. Arrow
23 August 1921 – 21 February 2017
This annual award was established in honor of Kenneth Arrow and in recognition of the influence of his seminal paper from 1963 “Uncertainty and the welfare economics of medical care”. It recognizes excellence in the field of health economics, with the award presented to the author(s) of the paper judged to be the best paper published in health economics in English in the award year.
About the Arrow Award
- Submission & Selection Process
- Most Recent Awardee
- Committee
- Previous Awardees
A public call for nominations is issued by IHEA. The award committee considers a short-list of up to ten papers, with each paper evaluated by all of the committee members in terms of importance and originality of contribution, appropriateness and innovation in methodology and clarity of presentation.
The 30th Arrow Award for the best paper in health economics is awarded to:
Andrew Goodman-Bacon, 2021. The Long-Run Effects of Childhood Insurance Coverage: Medicaid Implementation, Adult Health, and Labor Market Outcomes. American Economic Review, 111(8):2550-2593.

Andrew Goodman-Bacon
The Arrow Award Committee is proud to acknowledge the author of this innovative paper, which investigates the long-run effects of childhood insurance. The research uncovers that such type of health insurance can deliver large benefits later in life to both covered individuals, in particular the poorest recipients, and to the government. It goes beyond previous studies by looking at health and socioeconomic outcomes much later in life than previously established.
In more detail, the study estimates the effects of childhood Medicaid eligibility in the US on adult health and economic outcomes. Exploiting the program’s original introduction (1966–1970) and its mandated coverage of welfare recipients, its difference-in-difference design involves the comparison of cohorts born in different years relative to Medicaid implementation, and in states with different pre-existing welfare-based eligibility rates.
The study finds that early childhood Medicaid eligibility reduces mortality and disability, increases employment, and reduces receipt of disability transfer programs up to 50 years later. It also finds that Medicaid has saved the US government more than its original cost and saved more than 10 million quality adjusted life years.
Chair: Luigi Siciliani, University of York
Co-Chair: Tor Iversen, University of Oslo
Marcella Alsan, Harvard University
Marika Cabral, University of Texas
Luke Connelly, University of Queensland
Joan Costa-i-Font, London School of Economics
Karine Lamiraud, ESSEC
Hsienming Lien, National Chengchi University
Manoj Mohanan, Duke University
Edward Okeke, Pardee RAND Graduate School
Rodrigo R. Soares, Columbia University
Mark Stabile, INSEAD
Erin Strumpf, McGill University
Judit Vall Castelló, Universitat de Barcelona
Stephanie von Hinke Kessler Scholder, Bristol University
Heidi Williams, Stanford University
Yuting Zhang, University of Melbourne
Nava Ashraf, Oriana Bandiera, Edward Davenport, and Scott S. Lee, 2020. "Losing Prosociality in the Quest for Talent? Sorting, Selection, and Productivity in the Delivery of Public Services" American Economic Review, 110(5): 1355–1394.
Tatyana Deryugina, Garth Heutel, Nolan H. Miller, David Molitor, and Julian Reif, 2019. The Mortality and Medical Costs of Air Pollution: Evidence from Changes in Wind Direction. American Economic Review , 109 (12): 4178-4219. DOI: 10.1257/aer.20180279.
Marcella Alsan and Marianne Wanamaker. Tuskegee and the Health of Black Men. Quarterly Journal of Economics133(1): 407-455, 2018.
Marika Cabral. 2017. Claim Timing and Ex Post Adverse Selection. Review of Economics Studies84(1): 1-44.
Martin Gaynor, Carol Propper, and Stephan Seiler. 2016. Free to choose? Reform, choice and consideration sets in the English National Health Service. American Economic Review106(11): 3521-3557.
Eric Budish, Benjamin N. Roin and Heidi Williams. 2015. Do firms underinvest in long-term research? Evidence from cancer clinical trials. American Economic Review105(7): 2044-2085.
Jeffrey Clemens and Joshua D. Gottlieb. 2014. Do Physicians' Financial Incentives Affect Treatment Patterns and Patient Health? American Economic Review104(4): 1320-49.
Jonathan T. Kolstad. 2013. Information and quality when motivation is intrinsic: evidence from surgeon report cards. American Economic Review,103(7):2875-2910.
Amy Finkelstein, Sarah Taubman, Bill Wright, Mira Bernstein, Jonathan Gruber, Joseph P. Newhouse, Heidi Allen, Katherine Baicker, and the Oregon Health Study Group. 2012. The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment: Evidence from the First Year. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 127(3):1057-1106
Randall D. Cebul, James B. Rebitzer, Lowell J. Taylor, Mark E. Votruba. 2011. Unhealthy Insurance Markets: Search Frictions and the Cost and Quality of Health Insurance. American Economic Review,101(5):1842-71
Carol Propper and John Van Reenen. 2010. Can pay regulation kill? Panel Data Evidence on the Effect of Labor Markets on Hospital Performance. Journal of Political Economy, 118(2): 222-273
Kate Ho. 2009. Insurer-Provider Networks in the Medical Care Market. American Economic Review,99(1):393-430
Hanming Fang, Michael P. Keane, and Dan Silverman. 2008. Sources of Advantageous Selection: Evidence from the Medigap Insurance Market. Journal of Political Economy, 116(2): 303-350.
Amitabh Chandra and Doug Staiger. 2007. Productivity Spillovers in Health Care: Evidence from the Treatment of Heart Attacks. Journal of Political Economy, 115: 103-140.
Kevin M. Murphy and Robert H. Topel. 2006. The Value of Health and Longevity. Journal of PoliticalEconomy, 114(5): 871-904.
Gary S. Becker, Tomas J. Philipson, and Rodrigo R. Soares. 2005. The Quantity and Quality of Life and the Evolution of World Inequality. American Economic Review, 95(1):277-291
Edward Miguel and Michael Kremer. 2004. Worms: Identifying impacts on education and health in the presence of treatment externalities. Econometrica, 72(1); 159-217.
Kenneth Chay and Michael Greenstone. 2003. The Impact of Air Pollution on Infant Mortality: Evidence from Geographic Variation in Pollution Shocks Induced by a Recession. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 118(3):1121-1167.
Anne Case, Darren Lubotsky and Christina Paxson. 2002. Economic Status and Health in Childhood: The Origins of the Gradient. American Economic Review;92(5): 1308-1334.
Willard G. Manning and John Mullahy. 2001. Estimating Log Models: To Transform or Not to Transform? Journal of Health Economics, 20(4): 461–494
David M. Cutler, Mark McClellan and Joseph P. Newhouse. 2000. How Does Managed Care Do It? Rand Journal of Economics, 31(3): 526–548
Will Dow, Tomas J. Philipson and Xavier Sala-i-Martin. 1999. Longevity Complementarities Under Competing Risks. American Economic Review,89(5):1358-1371.
Donna B. Gilleskie. 1998. A Dynamic Stochastic Model of Medical Care Use and Work Absence. Econometrica, 66(1): 1-45.
Ching-To Albert Ma and Thomas G. McGuire. 1997. Optimal Health Insurance and Provider Payment. American Economic Review,87(4): 685-704.
Daniel Kessler and Mark McClellan. 1996. Do Doctors Practice Defensive Medicine? Quarterly Journal of Economics, 111(2): 353-390.
Martin Gaynor and Paul Gertler. 1995. Moral Hazard and Risk Spreading in Partnerships. RAND Journal of Economics, 26(4): 591-613.
Jonathan Gruber. 1994. The Incidence of Mandated Maternity Benefits. American Economic Review, 84(3): 622-641
Phillip Cook and Michael Moore. 1993. Drinking and schooling. Journal of Health Economics, 12(4): 411-429.
Richard Hirth. 1992. Nursing Home Quality: Roles of Information and Ownership (Unpublished paper)
Student Paper Prize
The annual IHEA Student Paper Prize is to recognize excellence by students in the field of health economics and is awarded to the Masters or Doctoral student paper judged as best in the award year.
About the Student Paper Prize
- Prize Eligibility Criteria
- Submission & Selection Process
- Nature of the Prizes
- Most Recent Winners
- Committee
- Previous Winners
- Applicants must currently be studying (full or part time) at a higher education institution, at either Masters or Doctoral level. In addition, students who completed their studies in the year previous to the call for submissions qualify, as long as the paper was written while registered as a student.
- Papers can be published or unpublished, but must be in comparable format to a published paper in Journal of Health Economics or Health Economics, of maximum length 8,000 words.
- Papers should be in English.
- If a submitted paper has more than one author, the student contribution must be at least 75% overall and an accompanying letter must be signed by co-authors to support this, stating the nature of their contribution (conceptualization, analysis, writing etc.). A joint student paper with 50-50 contributions is acceptable.
- Previous winners are not eligible.
Each year the Committee will consider a short list of submitted papers evaluated by all of the committee members using similar criteria to that of the Arrow Award.
The Call for Nominations for the 2023 Student Paper Prize will be posted in the last quarter of 2022.
The Prize will be complimentary registration for the next IHEA Congress to present the paper in a Special Organised Session, a cash prize and the offer (if the author wishes, and the paper is unpublished) of potential fast track publication in Health Economics, subject to Editorial approval. The papers in 2nd and 3rd place will receive a small cash prize and complimentary registration for the next IHEA Congress. They will be invited to give brief presentations at the IHEA Congress Student Paper Prize Special Organized Session. All prize winners will also receive a certificate.
This year, 26 papers from 11 countries were assessed by the Prize Committee. The 2022 Student Paper First Prize was awarded to:

Henry Cust
The paper finds a 49.5 percentage points (76%) decrease in condom use by female sex workers following the Islamic festival Tabaski celebrated in Senegal.
Honorable mentions go to the two runners up

Hanifa Pilvar
The paper finds a 2014 reform in Iran that made vaginal delivery free for patients and incentivized doctors to perform vaginal deliveries reduced the national rate of C-section by 6 percentage points without any adverse effects on Apgar scores, hospitalization, or mortality. However, gestation length and birth weight increased.

Domininkas Mockus
The paper finds low-skill immigration to decrease the likelihood of the elderly to live in a nursing home, which may in turn improve quality of life and lower total healthcare costs.
The prize winners are expected to present their papers at a special session of the 2023 IHEA Congress in Cape Town. Many thanks to all those who submitted papers for consideration, and to the Prize Committee for all their hard work.
The Student Prize is sponsored by the Canadian Centre for Health Economics.
Chair: Tinna Asgeirsdottir, University of Iceland
Mehdi Ammi, Carleton University
Monica Aswani, University of Alabama
Ronelle Burger, Stellenbosch University
Toshiaki Iizuka, University of Tokyo
Emily Lancsar, Australian National University
Shiko Maruyama, Jinan University, Guangzhou
Alfredo Paloyo, University of Wollongong
Timothy Powell-Jackson, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
William Schpero, Cornell University
Peter Sivey, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Raf van Gestel, Erasmus University
Veronica Vargas, Alberto Hurtado University
Dominika Wranik, Dalhousie University
Elaine De Gruyter, Monash University. Altruism born of suffering? The impact of an adverse health shock on pro-social behaviour.
Jill Furzer, University of Toronto. ADHD Misidentification in school: Causes and mitigators.
William Schpero, Cornell University. The long run effect of Medicaid on receipt of public assistance.
Monica Aswani, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Differential Impact of Hospital and Community Factors on Medicare Readmission Penalties.
Mujaheed Shaikh and Tobias Muller (Austria/Switzerland),Your retirement and my health behavior: Evidence on retirement externalities from a fuzzy regression discontinuity design.
Raf Van Gestel, University of Antwerp, and Tobias Müller, University of Lucerne, Does My High Blood Pressure Improve Your Survival? Overall and Subgroup Learning Curves in Health.
Joseph Dieleman, IHME, University of Washington, Measuring the displacement and replacement of government health expenditure.
Ranjeeta Thomas, University of York, Conditional cash transfers to improve education and health: an ex ante evaluation of Red de Protección Social, Nicaragua
Pedro Rosa Dias, University of York. Inequality of opportunity in health: evidence from a UK cohort study.
Stephanie von Hinke Kessler Scholder, University of Bristol, Maternal employment and overweight children: does timing matter?
Teresa Bago d’Uva, University of York, Latent class models for utilization of health care.
Paula Gonzalez, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, Should physicians’ dual practice be limited? An incentive approach.
Nazmi Sari, Boston University, Do managed care and competition improve quality? Evidence from US hospital markets.
Mathias Kifmann, Universität Konstanz, Community rating in health insurance and different benefit packages.